Today marks the official launch date for the Astray3 webcomic.
So now would probably be the best time to state my goals and future hopes for this particular illustrated web adventure. First, the comic schedule will follow a typical newspaper strip format, meaning Monday through Friday B/W posts followed by a double sized color comic on Sunday. I’m fairly optimistic about maintaining this schedule, but of course this is subject to life interference. Rest assured though, I pledge to update regularly even if the daily update cannot be maintained.
Second, the primary purpose of this comic is my own edification and your entertainment. My goal is to improve my artistic and storytelling abilities through the progression of this comic. But, it is no fun keeping it all to myself, so I’m posting it on the interweb so others may enjoy (or deride) my work. Please, feel free to contact me through with any questions or comments.
Lastly, the website itself is far from finished. Being fairly new to the whole website creation and management thing, I have disabled a lot of options till they can be further understood. If you have any suggestions for the improvement of the site or for extra features, please send them to General posting is currently disabled until further notice.
Thank you for visiting this humble website and may this day mark many anniversaries to come.