Congratulations to Grant and Janell Cottrell on their new baby.
on 2009/01/20 at 3:11 pmPosted In: Blog entries
Grant Cottrell is now father to a brand new bouncing baby boy. I haven’t seen pictures yet, but I’m sure little Cohen Cottrell already has a healthy 5 o’clock shadow.
For those of you who don’t know, Grant is a founding member of the Dick Dynamo team and a valued co-worker. During the time I’ve known him, he has proven to be a flexible multi-talented individual who does not deserve a fraction of the hassle I give him.
Welcome to the world Cohen. I wish you nothing but the best and many happy years to come.
Awwww, thanks. He’s doing great and I’ll be sure to introduce him to your comic as soon as he’s past his contorted faces/”i don’t know what’s going on” phase.