Hmmm a fork, spoon and a tea cup. the more i see the deformations of the creatures the closer i think that Emaly is the child that ransacked there town in the past. IM saying this becuse of the Majic eight ball and such, that and her dreams before she went into this world. So far that we have seen the Avalonions don’t seem like they would use such primitive tech.
Hmmm a fork, spoon and a tea cup. the more i see the deformations of the creatures the closer i think that Emaly is the child that ransacked there town in the past. IM saying this becuse of the Majic eight ball and such, that and her dreams before she went into this world. So far that we have seen the Avalonions don’t seem like they would use such primitive tech.
The child was male, therefore, not Emily. Probably.
the tall one looks like a teapot… yet the other guy is the one that’s short and stout…
Lulz, you do have a point.
I wonder what happens when the tall one gets mad? Or should i say…steamed up?
you’ll hear him shout!
Similarly amusing: the one called Conk is the one without the huge nose.