All the power in the universe in one square box covered in Nagahide.

All the power of the universe concentrated in one square Nagahide covered box. ( This is an actual model of the Computational Briefcase. It even lights up!.)

The robot really doesnt look this good in person, kudos to Jon.

The robot really doesn't look this good in person, kudos to Jon.

That is yours truly in the robot costume, and yes Im that tall. ( At least when I stand on my soapbox. )

That is yours truly in the robot costume, and yes I’m that tall. ( At least when standing on my soapbox. )”

The pictures above are a sneak peak at the upcoming FREE “Dick Dynamo, the 5th Dimensional Music Experience” album. Jon really did a bang up job photoshoping these images. The DD model, sorry I can’t remember his name, was actually wearing a powder blue suit and my robot costume never looked that good. There are more awesome DD pics, but I don’t want to give everything away before the album launch. If you are interested in hearing a sample of the music, just go download “Action Fun Super Time Episode 1″ from the DD podcast.