I’ve mentioned this maybe once before, but here it is again. For those interested in how an A3 comic makes its way from my brain to your preferred computational device, I’ve set up a side blog for comic breakdowns and miscellaneous art. Admittedly, it’s a pretty basic wordpress blog, but it’s content that matters…amirite? Check it out.
Well geez Louise that’s some fancy doodlin’ son! NICE job. Just fantastic.
Thanks, Og! And congratulations on winning that “Best Comic of 2009″ award.
Beautiful. Looks like you ink by hand. Are your frames and lettering also all by hand? Color digital? Anyways, I’m hooked. Nice stuff.
Hey Darrell, the frames and lettering are done on the computer. I then print out a copy to draw on, once the pencils are done they are scanned into the comp, converted to a light blue, then printed back out and inked. It’s a complicated process, but I think it works well. Yeah, the color is digital, I try to make it look like classic inks washes though.