Working on the website! Preparing to move the old comics to new site.
by eldoniousrex on 2012/01/17 at 9:02 pmPosted In: Blog entries
Hello all,
After a long dark soul-curdling break I’m back and ready to work. We are still a ways off from the full relaunch, but I’m confident the comic will start rolling again soon. Lots of new stuff planned for 2012. (The comic will finally start getting some print love.)
In the meantime, I will be working on getting the sites rearranged and cleaned up. Expect trouble….
The Management.
In the meantime, join me on facebookes. I joined just in time for everyone to move over to Google +. Ugh…

Pure awesome or good old-fashioned nightmare fuel. You decide.
by eldoniousrex on 2011/05/31 at 8:51 pmPosted In: Blog entries
Oh, this brings back so many memories. Hi-fives to all my Billy Bob peeps!