Comments on: Astray3 #166 (1 Comment) Astray3: Gain the universe, lose everything. Wed, 10 Jul 2013 06:00:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: charles charles Mon, 27 Apr 2009 08:03:33 +0000 Hmmm, from memory she needs to go out into the courtyard to a shed where the water is kept. Last panel looks like one of those cloud harvesters is about to fly overhead, probably just as she goes outside. I'd think she would be safe with her hood up, etc but then it wouldn't make the story very interesting if she doesn't at least have a close call here ;) Pitty she didn't think of putting on a mask to help hide herself... Actually, its quite strange that no-one has responded to her loud cursing at stepping on Sonon's toys Hmmm, from memory she needs to go out into the courtyard to a shed where the water is kept. Last panel looks like one of those cloud harvesters is about to fly overhead, probably just as she goes outside. I’d think she would be safe with her hood up, etc but then it wouldn’t make the story very interesting if she doesn’t at least have a close call here ;)
Pitty she didn’t think of putting on a mask to help hide herself… Actually, its quite strange that no-one has responded to her loud cursing at stepping on Sonon’s toys
