We are quickly approaching the 1st anniversary of Astray3!! And all the gifts are for you! During the month of September, A3 will return to it’s inaugral update schedule, Sunday through Friday. If that doesn’t blow ye mind, there is still more AWESOMENESS!! Sunday updates will feature a brand new Astray3 side story, ZOWEE!! And for a limited time only, Saturdays will feature A3 themed guest comics, POW!! That’s right!! 7 solid, meaty days of fun!!
…Then there is the giveaway…
On Sept 21st, 10 lucky winners, drawn from my magical top hat, will receive original Astray3 art! Yup, the lucky winners will have their choice of any strip from the old ink and paper days. To be eligible for the drawing, send your name and email to:
giveaway@a3classic.com (One entry per-person/household please.)
Well, I gotta get back to work or all this stuff ain’t happening. Thank you for reading Astray3 and making 2009 my best year ever!! (Can I count the first year as the “best” year?)
Stay tuned,
Sounds great, Eldon! If you need any Saturday guest art I’d love to contribute. Just shoot me an email buddy. I may send you some stuff anyway.
I’m available to create Saturday art if you need it. Aside from that, where did you get that crazy Sanrio party picture?? Seriously. I must know.
Don’t you just hate that answer? It’s just slightly better than “because”.
Still, when you discover that the world doesn’t revolve around you, it seems like answers like that keep coming up.
Awesome! Happy anniversary and great job dude! This comic trully is a masterpiece!