That’s right peeps, Astray3 will be hitting the 200 strip mark this week. Thanks for all the support and good times. I can’t wait to see what the next 200 brings us.

On a slightly sadder note, I won’t be in town to celebrate the landmark. I will be attending the Oklahoma D-day paintball event this week. If any of you readers  are heading out there, please feel free to stop by the 91st Luftlande division camp to say hi. Any allied players will have to visit me on the airfield Saturday, where you will immediately be sent to the nearest deadzone.

As you can imagine, this will put the kibash on my art production schedule. So Astray3 will be taking a short break June 15th to the 19th. The strip will promptly return to normal updates on the 22nd. Check out the WCPC comics collective for something to read while I’m gone.

Thanks for stickng with A3 up till now, and I hope you will stay with me well into the future.
