» news http://www.a3classic.com Astray3: Gain the universe, lose everything. Tue, 17 Apr 2012 07:42:34 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.3.1 News, Updates, and Fanart!! (No Comments) http://www.a3classic.com/?p=1301 http://www.a3classic.com/?p=1301#comments Tue, 13 Oct 2009 01:22:44 +0000 eldoniousrex http://www.a3classic.com/?p=1301 Astray3-20091008

Hey everyone, thanks for bearing with me during the update drought. But, it should finally be over. Starting today there will be a new schedule going forward. Updates will try to land on Mondays and Fridays. ( I emphasize try. ) Updates for the normal Astray3 strips will be double sized and in color. The conservatives story will continue to run each week until it’s conclusion. ( Then just assume that it will be replaced with a second A3 update each week. )

Work has begun on the first Astray3 book!! This will be more than a simple print version!! It will be an expanded and partially revised version of the current swath of strips. It will take time to get all the artwork put together, but hopefully we will see a prototype early next year and production before convention season starts up again.

All you September contest winners should know that your prizes are on the way. They should be shipped out next week.

And a special thanks to Antoine Gagnon, from the webcomic, “The Drunken Fools”, for the above fanart! He is a fellow WCPC member and his comic is well worth reading. Make sure to check it out!

Thanks for sticking with me readers. I will see you Friday!


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