Comments on: Astray3 #94 (2 Comments) Astray3: Gain the universe, lose everything. Wed, 10 Jul 2013 06:00:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karyl Karyl Wed, 05 May 2010 02:10:44 +0000 I am waiting for the point in the story where birdy says a dirty word! It's gonna happen, I know it! I am waiting for the point in the story where birdy says a dirty word! It’s gonna happen, I know it!

By: Tom Dell'Aringa Tom Dell'Aringa Wed, 07 Jan 2009 13:35:11 +0000 Alright, comments! (Maybe these were here before and I didn't see?) As I said Eldon, LOVING the comic. The story and pacing are great and your artwork is fantastic. I'm waiting for the big guy to stop having the lost puppy look and actually do something to help out! :) (I wouldn't want to be punched by him though...) Love the curse symbols in the last panel. Alright, comments! (Maybe these were here before and I didn’t see?) As I said Eldon, LOVING the comic. The story and pacing are great and your artwork is fantastic. I’m waiting for the big guy to stop having the lost puppy look and actually do something to help out! :) (I wouldn’t want to be punched by him though…)

Love the curse symbols in the last panel.
