Comments on: Astray3 #124 (5 Comments) Astray3: Gain the universe, lose everything. Wed, 10 Jul 2013 06:00:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: eldoniousrex eldoniousrex Thu, 19 Feb 2009 02:56:05 +0000 Wow, that is a mouth full. I can't even find a definition for "anthropohedral." Wow, that is a mouth full. I can’t even find a definition for “anthropohedral.”

By: Rocco Caputo Rocco Caputo Thu, 19 Feb 2009 00:48:16 +0000 I like the story development, and its timing is prefect. Thungramgin rocks. She's really gone out on a limb for Emily. And, aha! That's why Emily should stay away from the window! She's dangerously anthropohedral! And I love the trippy, underground-comix surrealism of your world. Cities are carried by giant dog-like things that snort crushed up people. People travel by conveyor lawns under polka-dot skies. Men are REAL men, and women just look like them! Day and night are sudden and perilous. Curses cause giant stone lightning bolts to spring from cities! Zowie! Yet despite all this weirdness, what bugs me the most happened back on Earth: Why did the people in the car seem to know Emily? I like the story development, and its timing is prefect.

Thungramgin rocks. She’s really gone out on a limb for Emily.

And, aha! That’s why Emily should stay away from the window! She’s dangerously anthropohedral!

And I love the trippy, underground-comix surrealism of your world. Cities are carried by giant dog-like things that snort crushed up people. People travel by conveyor lawns under polka-dot skies. Men are REAL men, and women just look like them! Day and night are sudden and perilous. Curses cause giant stone lightning bolts to spring from cities! Zowie!

Yet despite all this weirdness, what bugs me the most happened back on Earth: Why did the people in the car seem to know Emily?

By: Samantha Samantha Wed, 18 Feb 2009 18:18:06 +0000 enjoying the story bits a lot, Eldon! enjoying the story bits a lot, Eldon!

By: Tom Tom Wed, 18 Feb 2009 13:47:23 +0000 Wow, lots going on here - great stuff Eldon. Wow, lots going on here – great stuff Eldon.

By: bachterman bachterman Wed, 18 Feb 2009 07:42:51 +0000 ah, the plot is getting clearer... or not? :D ah, the plot is getting clearer… or not? :D
