Astray3 is back and ready to melt faces!! ( Not yours though, cause you’re beautiful just the way you are.)
on 2009/02/02 at 12:00 amAfter a harrowing week of disasters, Astray3 is back on schedule. Thanks for being patient during the down time.
Now for some site news:
A big thanks to Phil for helping out with another site redesign. If you haven’t visited before, click on the rank button and say hello. ( Clicking on the rank button will also lead you to a bonus Astray3 pic and help my site rank.)
More site changes on the way! I have a few more graphic changes in mind, but the big news is ADS. Yes, Astray3 is now selling ad space. For a very low price you too can advertise on Astray3. Now don’t worry, you won’t be inundated with ads, just a few. This will help with future hosting costs and spread a few of my own ads around.
Finally, a new schedule will be introduced in another couple of weeks. Astray3 will reduce updates to 5 days a week. That will be normal daily updates Mon-Thursday and the double deluxe color version on Friday. This will free up some time to do extra Astray3 related work and promotions.
And that is all for now, thanks for being patient and please continue enjoying Astray3.
P.S. I really think you guys are going to be pleased with the upcoming story arc. I’m going to be lifting the veil of secrecy on a lot of story points. So stay tuned!
I think the 5 day schedule will ease things up for you. Looking forward to more.
i can’t wait!