» Superfogeys http://www.a3classic.com Astray3: Gain the universe, lose everything. Tue, 17 Apr 2012 07:42:34 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.3.1 A couple of news tidbits for you. (4 Comments) http://www.a3classic.com/?p=1160 http://www.a3classic.com/?p=1160#comments Tue, 18 Aug 2009 14:29:55 +0000 eldoniousrex http://www.a3classic.com/?p=1160 SuperfogeysHey readers, the 4th page of my guest strip run for Superfogeys has been posted. Make sure to check it out and say hi to Brock.

Also, Astray3 is now available in FRENCH! Thanks to the guys over at Oghme Comics Astray3 is being translated for our oversea European friends and French speaker/readers worldwide.  The comic will run from the very beginning and be posted as regularly as possible. Check out the “rough” site at: http://www.a3classicfr.com

The Astray3 site will be undergoing a few changes this week too. So if you come by and everything looks kinda wonky, it’s temporary.

http://www.a3classic.com/?feed=rss2&p=1160 4
The most exciting thing to happen to elderly superheroes since tapioca Tuesdays! (No Comments) http://www.a3classic.com/?p=1101 http://www.a3classic.com/?p=1101#comments Tue, 28 Jul 2009 05:19:44 +0000 Eldon http://www.a3classic.com/?p=1101 Superfogeys headerAre you ready for a double dose of Eldon comics goodness every Tuesday for the next 5 weeks? Thanks to Brock Heasley, I get to take the reins of Super Fogeys Origins for a spell. And what we are delivering is a 5 page story detailing the origin of SF’s very own stubby, orange haired head crusher, Tangerine. It’s a little dark, so leave the kids at home.

Plus it’s in B&W, so those of you who feel nostalgic for the old Astray3 comics, make sure to check it out.

http://www.a3classic.com/?feed=rss2&p=1101 0
The secret is out! Eldon is taking a turn on Superfogeys Origins! (2 Comments) http://www.a3classic.com/?p=1057 http://www.a3classic.com/?p=1057#comments Tue, 14 Jul 2009 04:46:48 +0000 Eldon http://www.a3classic.com/?p=1057 SFOriginsTanSample

Starting July 28th Superfogeys Origins will be running a 5 page story drawn by little ole me and written by Brock Heasley. Make sure to visit Superfogeys for more details.

http://www.a3classic.com/?feed=rss2&p=1057 2