Comments on: Astray3 #128 (7 Comments) Astray3: Gain the universe, lose everything. Wed, 10 Jul 2013 06:00:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Blue Sapphire Blue Sapphire Sun, 30 Jan 2011 03:07:31 +0000 O.o wait, the little creepies worship humans? O.o wait, the little creepies worship humans?

By: Jim Thorpe Jim Thorpe Wed, 25 Feb 2009 05:30:33 +0000 I appreciate all the hard work you put into your comic, it's amazing. I think it's only a short time before you'll be rewarded for it, hang in there! I appreciate all the hard work you put into your comic, it’s amazing. I think it’s only a short time before you’ll be rewarded for it, hang in there!

By: Gillsing Gillsing Wed, 25 Feb 2009 04:02:07 +0000 Pro: Trade your waste products for stuff that's hopefully not someone else's waste products. Con: Your allies like to rub your waste products on themselves, or at the very least touch them. Or possibly consume them. Yeeeaaah, I don't know... Pro: Trade your waste products for stuff that’s hopefully not someone else’s waste products.

Con: Your allies like to rub your waste products on themselves, or at the very least touch them. Or possibly consume them.

Yeeeaaah, I don’t know…

By: purple_phoenix purple_phoenix Wed, 25 Feb 2009 03:46:38 +0000 It just goes down hill from here doesn't it? XD It just goes down hill from here doesn’t it? XD

By: eldoniousrex eldoniousrex Wed, 25 Feb 2009 00:40:51 +0000 Thanks CyberSkull. Hope I can keep you coming back. Thanks CyberSkull. Hope I can keep you coming back.
