Comments on: Astray3 #78 (2 Comments) Astray3: Gain the universe, lose everything. Wed, 10 Jul 2013 06:00:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cara Cara Thu, 23 Sep 2010 04:19:51 +0000 Oh my goodness, Astray3 is AMAZING. Very easily one of my most favorite comics of all time. Absolutely brilliant! Oh my goodness, Astray3 is AMAZING. Very easily one of my most favorite comics of all time. Absolutely brilliant!

By: Karyl Karyl Tue, 04 May 2010 03:49:12 +0000 I just happened on your comic today and this scene is so making me laugh aloud! You can never control what a parrot will pick up to say, particularly when you don't want them to say it--SO funny and true! I just happened on your comic today and this scene is so making me laugh aloud! You can never control what a parrot will pick up to say, particularly when you don’t want them to say it–SO funny and true!
