Comments on: Astray3 #127 (6 Comments) Astray3: Gain the universe, lose everything. Wed, 10 Jul 2013 06:00:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: James James Tue, 24 Feb 2009 01:13:32 +0000 BTW you guys should of seen Eldon's POO POO commandoes and Spacey, those were some boffo characters. And just to be a slight thorn in his side. Ask him about the Wyvern! BTW you guys should of seen Eldon’s POO POO commandoes and Spacey, those were some boffo characters. And just to be a slight thorn in his side. Ask him about the Wyvern!

By: James James Tue, 24 Feb 2009 01:09:12 +0000 I am kinda wondering where I can get a robe like that. Yeah maybe they have a manly one. Oh Yeah! I am kinda wondering where I can get a robe like that. Yeah maybe they have a manly one. Oh Yeah!

By: Antoine Antoine Mon, 23 Feb 2009 17:34:05 +0000 I'm hooked! We did spoke a bit on Twitter but wanted to drop a few lined here too. I love it! This is exactly the type of comic I love to read all the time. Awesome! I’m hooked!

We did spoke a bit on Twitter but wanted to drop a few lined here too. I love it! This is exactly the type of comic I love to read all the time.


By: Rocco Caputo Rocco Caputo Mon, 23 Feb 2009 17:10:15 +0000 Jeez, Emily, it's holy water. You must not be from around here! Jeez, Emily, it’s holy water. You must not be from around here!

By: bachterman bachterman Mon, 23 Feb 2009 15:51:16 +0000 ach. i have a hard time following the plotline. maybe i need better english. and gibberish for cronmora. :) ach. i have a hard time following the plotline. maybe i need better english. and gibberish for cronmora. :)
