Good point. We could either say that there is some unexplained process by which the Ourga fires projectiles. Perhaps a mix of intestinal gases that is ignited by some sort of electical organ.
…or, we can resort to the old explanation that he is yelling the Astray3 language equivalent of “fire” to goad Yupa into launching her projectile.
…or I can just declare it was the most logical word that fit the situation.
Embrace the schizophrenia! Listen to the little voice in your head!
XD lol!
The answer is,”Yes they stopped. Now move!”
Wow, that’s what you either call very close or dead meat.
On NO!
Whi does he shout FIRE? Is there anywher gunpowder, or similar, involved?
Good point. We could either say that there is some unexplained process by which the Ourga fires projectiles. Perhaps a mix of intestinal gases that is ignited by some sort of electical organ.
…or, we can resort to the old explanation that he is yelling the Astray3 language equivalent of “fire” to goad Yupa into launching her projectile.
…or I can just declare it was the most logical word that fit the situation.
Naw it is just a “BIG” spit-wad.
So, you’re doing this all digital now, right? That’s how you’re getting a strip done in color each day?
Yup, it’s all being done digitally now. And the time savings are being pumped into coloring the strips.
it’s like a mortar. am i right?
You are correct sir.
…Not good!