Comments on: Astray3 #154 (3 Comments) Astray3: Gain the universe, lose everything. Wed, 10 Jul 2013 06:00:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Blue Sapphire Blue Sapphire Sun, 30 Jan 2011 03:30:31 +0000 O.o shouldn't they have saved that? Human bodily fluids are apparantly valuble O.o shouldn’t they have saved that? Human bodily fluids are apparantly valuble

By: eldoniousrex eldoniousrex Wed, 08 Apr 2009 16:30:24 +0000 Thanks Jules, think I’ve found a method that works for the time being. A mix of earlier thinner lined strips and later beefier line work, without being too stale or sloppy. So, I’m going with it till the “change bug” bites me again. Thanks Jules, think I’ve found a method that works for the time being. A mix of earlier thinner lined strips and later beefier line work, without being too stale or sloppy. So, I’m going with it till the “change bug” bites me again.

By: Jules Rivera Jules Rivera Wed, 08 Apr 2009 14:27:35 +0000 Nice inks, man. I especially like what you did on Thunga in frame 2. Nice inks, man. I especially like what you did on Thunga in frame 2.
